
Get involved by participating in one of our volunteer opportunities.

Looking for ways to help Friends of Keep Charleston Beautiful and KCB but don’t have the monetary ability to do so? No problem! Donate your time by joining in on one our many year-round volunteer opportunities.

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Litter Sweeps

Keep Charleston Beautiful conducts litter sweeps year round with volunteer groups of any size. Locations are flexible and often depend on group size, environmental need, time of year, and volunteer preferences. All cleanup supplies are provided.


Looking for a fun way for your company or organization to give back and help us support Keep Charleston Beautiful? Coordinate a fundraising event for your coworkers, friends, or family members. Get the group together at a local brewery or restaurant. Talk with a manager beforehand and ask that a portion of sales ($1/pint, %10 food sales, etc.) be donated to Friends of Keep Charleston Beautiful. We are happy to come join in the fun as well, and set up an informational table. Going out for happy hour, make it an event for the whole company and coordinate a donation with the business.


Zero Waste Events

Keep Charleston Beautiful’s Zero Waste Events Program provides waste reduction services for local events, encouraging composting and recycling to divert waste from the landfill. Volunteers often help staff our waste sorting stations, and educate event patrons about the details (and benefits!) of composting and recycling.

Tabling Events

We frequently host informational tables at festivals, informational fairs, fundraising events, sporting events, and litter cleanup after-parties. It is always helpful to have one or two volunteers help us out at the information table. If you enjoy chatting with people and spreading the mission of Keep Charleston Beautiful, then this is right up your alley.


Please contact Jamie Gillette, Program Manager for Keep Charleston Beautiful, for volunteer inquiries. You can reach her by email at GilletteJ@Charleston-SC.Gov, or by phone at (843)-579-7501.